UV Cured Fiber Optic Coloring Ink Fiber Ink

This series of coloring fiber ink are standard fiber optic coloring ink suitable for UV-LED curing. They include 13 colors, including blue, orange, green, brown, gray, white, red, black, yellow, purple, pink, cyan and transparent. Coloring fiber ink are suitable for coloring optical fiber ribbons and loose tubes with various core counts. They have the characteristics of fast curing speed, small viscosity difference between different colors and strong process adaptability.

Storage Conditions

CI Series products are a light-curable fiber optic coloring ink. The bottle containing this ink is opaque to UV light, including sunlight and fluorescent light. The ink should be stored at a temperature range of 15° C to 30° C. Pigment sedimentation may occur during storage and transportation, and this sedimentation is reversible. Before use, please invert the ink bottle and shake it up and down 5 to 7 times, and then roll it for 4 to 5 hours.

Shelf Life of Coloring Fiber Ink

If stored correctly as described above, the shelf life of CI Series products is 12 months from the date of production.

Safety Information

This fiber ink may irritate the skin and eyes or cause skin allergies. All safety and operating instructions should be strictly followed.


CI Series products use advanced filtration technology during the production process. This technology is used to avoid fiber strength problems while ensuring consistent product performance.


Project Typical value Unit
Viscosity, 25 ° C 2600 mPa•s
Density, before curing, 23 ° C 1.08 g•cm-3
Density, after cure, 23 ° C 1.16 g•cm-3
Degree of cure (95% tensile modulus dose) ≤1.0 J•cm-2
Elongation * 4.1 %
Tensile strength * 24.5 MPa
Tensile modulus at 2.5% strain * 750 units MPa

* Cured film thickness 75 μm, test temperature 23 ± 2 ° C, humidity 50 ± 5%

Color (Pantone)

Project Color L a b
YIL000 Transparent color
YIL001 Blue 24.1 ~ 49.1 -16.3 ~ -16.9 -55.2 ~ -27.3
YIL002 Orange 43.5 ~ 67.6 26.2 ~ 51.2 21.3 ~ 52.7
YIL003 Green 33.3 ~ 61.2 -51.5 ~ -29.9 6.9 ~ 31.9
YIL004 Brown 20.9 ~ 44.0 -3.7 ~ 13.9 -6.2 ~ 12.8
YIL005 Ash 33.2 ~ 63.8 -5.1 ~ 2.2 -8.7 ~ -0.5
YIL006 White 83.2 ~ 100.4 -5.4 ~ 1.6 -5.0 ~ 4.6
YIL007 Red 24.4 ~ 52.1 32.9 ~ 56.9 4.8 ~ 24.7
YIL008 Black 10.5 ~ 33.3 -3.5 ~ 3.6 -4.2 ~ 3.1
YIL009 Yellow 65.1 ~ 87.5 -4.2 ~ 20.1 35.2 ~ 81.7
YIL010 Purple 33.5 ~ 65.5 9.2 ~ 25.8 -43.8 ~ -17.8
YIL011 Powder 46.3 ~ 84.6 16.9 ~ 42.9 0.1 ~ 15.1
YIL012 Turquoise 42.8 ~ 77.0 -36.4 ~ -8.8 -32.5 ~ -6.8