Inserted PLC Fiber Optic Splitter Box of Optical Waveguide/T-OD097

It is mainly used in CATV system and passive optical access network. Can bring small size and high density for customers; provide uniform distribution of full bands (1260~1650nm) or non-uniform distribution of light signals in some central wavelengths; realize various distribution paths from 1 minute 2 to 1 minute 128.

Fiber optic splitter  is mainly used in CATV system and passive optical access network. It can bring small size and high density for customers.Which  provide uniform distribution of full bands (1260~1650nm) or non-uniform distribution of light signals in some central wavelengths. Realize various distribution paths from 1 minute 2 to 1 minute 128.

PLC Splitter Features

12,14,18,116,132,164,1128 and 2,2,24,28,216,232,

2 different joints: LC, SC, FC etc;

Fiber optic splitter has low insertion loss and low polarization mode dispersion;

Different packaging: steel pipe type, box type, insert type, tray type, etc
The wide wavelength range of 1260 nm to 1620 nm has excellent uniformity
Operating temperature is: -40 to + 85 degrees C
Full compliance with Telcordia GR-1209-CORE and Telcordia GR-1221-CORE qualification


Application standards

PLC splitter Telcordia1209,1221 standard, to meet the ROHS requirements



Parameter Grade Unit 1×2 1×4 1×8 1×12 1×16 1×32 1×64
Operation Wavelength nm 1260~1650
Band Spacing nm 250 250 250 127 127 127 127
Insertion Loss P dB 3.6 6.8 10 12 13 16 19.5
Polanization Loss P dB 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4
Uniformity P dB 0.6 0.6 0.8 1 1.5 1.5 2.5
Retum Loss dB ≥55/50
Directivity dB ≥50
  Working Temperature ºC 40~+85
  Storage Temperature ºC 40~+85